Cukup Mudah, Hilangkan Tahi Lalat Di Wajah Dengan Cara Seperti Ini

Punya banyak tahi lalat sering membikin kurang percaya diri. Apalagi muncul didaerah wajah, sering kali membuat kita terganggu atas keberadaannya. Kemudian kita berencana menghilangkannya dengan cara di operasi. Jangan kalian lakukan itu terlebih dahulu, jika tahi lalat anda masih terbilang kecil-kecil saja, anda bisa mencoba cara-cara berikut ini dengan hanya menggunakan bahan-bahan alami dan sangat mudah ditemukan disekitar kita.

Madu - Caranya, cukup dengan mengoleskan madu dibagian tubuh atau wajah yang ditumbuhi lalat. Lakukan secara rutin untuk mendapatkan hasil yang terbaik.

Cuka Cider - Caranya, gosoklah terlebih dahulu tahi lalat anda dengan menggunakan air panas. Kemudian ambil cotton bud (alat pembersih telinga) lalu celupkan kedalam cuka cider dan oleskan ke bagian tahi lalat.

Bunga Kol - Caranya, terlebih dahulu bunga kol dicuci bersih, lalu diblender tanpa menggunakan air. Oleskan kebagian tubuh atau wajah yang ada tahi lalatnya. Lakukan dalam seminggu dan lihat hasilnya.

Sabun Mandi dan Kapur Sirih - Caranya, campurkan sabun mandi (cair) dengan kapur sirih, aduk hingga merata. Kemudian oleskan campuran tersebut ke tahi lalat anda, tunggu hingga tahi lalat hilang.

Bawang Putih - Caranya, ambil dua siung bawang putih yang sudah dikupas kulitnya, tumbuk hingga halus. Tempelkan bawang putih yang sudah halus itu kebagian tahi lalat dengan menggunakan plester. Tunggu hingga tahi lalat terlepas dan mengelupas. Sebaiknya digunakan pada malam hari menjelang tidur, dan dibuka saat pagi hari.


Fruit Can Whiten Teeth

Many people try to whiten your teeth by bleaching or using a toothpaste that contains bleach. Unfortunately, not everyone likes to do that way. Certain fruits can also actually help whiten teeth. What is it? Have white teeth and a dazzling smile would make someone look more attractive. But the habit of drinking coffee, tea or cola can leave stains on your teeth.

Here are some of the fruits that can make your teeth white and healthy:

Strawberry is one of the foods that can naturally whiten teeth. Contained malic acid in strawberries act as an agent who will scrape and remove some stains on the tooth surface. strawberry mixed with half a teaspoon of baking soda can act as a teeth whitener. Apply the mixture to the entire surface of the tooth for 5 minutes to obtain satisfactory results. However, this method can not be done in a long time due to acid in strawberries can destroy tooth enamel over time.

Apples contain two qualities that help in whitening teeth. First, the process of chewing apples are hard and crunchy can fade dental plaque that can change the color of teeth. Furthermore, chewing also stimulates the production of saliva, which can naturally fight bacteria in the mouth that change the color of teeth. Secondly, apples also contain malic acid which acts as a natural ingredient to 'relax' and remove stains on the tooth surface.

Carrots can also function as a natural tooth whitener. Such as apples, carrots are foods that can fade the hard dental plaque during chewing.

Lemon or lime 
Lemon juice can also be used to whiten teeth. Lemon juice can be combined with salt or baking soda to make a paste, which is then brushed my teeth for a few minutes. But because lemon juice contains citric acid which may cause corrosion of tooth enamel, always rinse and brush your teeth properly after using lemon juice on teeth.

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Common Symptoms Of Heart Disease

Basically, common symptoms experienced by people with heart disease due to the lack of the amount of blood that supplies oxygen to the heart due to impaired cardiac function.

These symptoms include: 
  • Angina - Is pain or pressure in the chest. 
  • Arrhythmia - is a term used to indicate a condition of heart rhythm disorder that can cause palpitations (abnormal heart beats). 

Angina and arrhythmias caused by lack of blood supply that carries oxygen to the heart muscle. Usually followed by other symptoms such as dizziness, prolonged fatigue, nausea, cold sweats, and shortness of breath.

These symptoms may be early warnings of the risk of heart attack. Unfortunately, those who experience these symptoms often think of it as the common cold, is often made late and the first aid to be extremely detrimental consequences, why?

When a heart attack (myocardial infarction) took place, the heart muscle will die when deprived of blood. And unlike other tissues, the heart muscle can not regenerate. Therefore, the longer the attack and not treated, the more permanent the damage is also the heart muscles and even if left unchecked can experience death.

During the symptoms of a heart attack arise, it is important to seek immediate medical attention due to the risk of death is greatest within one hour after the attack. Prompt treatment can save heart muscle from damage that can not be repaired. The more heart muscle is saved, the more effective will be re-pumping after the heart attack.

Given the danger of life-threatening heart disease, prevent or reduce the risk of heart disease is the best way, in addition to keeping diet and regular exercise, herbal supplements are very helpful. Some herbs such as ant nests and Noni juice can not only prevent heart disease but also help cure heart disease, please read the information on page treatment of heart disease.

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10 Causes Of Abdominal Pain After Eating

Stomach pain or abdominal pain after eating is a common condition that occurs in many people. This condition is characterized by severe or mild pain on the left and / or right abdomen. Abdominal pain after eating mainly occurs by eating food products that are not taken into the body, foods that cause allergies, or too much eating (overeating). This condition may not be immediately felt and embossed vary between a few minutes up to several hours after eating.

Causes of Stomach Pain after Eating
Apart from food, there are several other factors that trigger pain. Here are some of them:

1. Microorganisms
Abdominal pain or bloating after eating can result from chemical reactions between fluids and a variety of microorganisms that are present in food. Body trying to get rid of harmful bacteria to avoid infection. That's because, why sometimes someone has vomited after eating. In some cases, vomiting is also accompanied with nausea that may occur due to eating too much.

2. Gallstone 
A person suffering from gallstones will experience pain in the abdomen as well as back pain. Due to gallstones, bile flow in the bile duct will be obstructed, causing excruciating pain. The pain can last for a few minutes to many hours.

3. Pancreatitis 
Pain is felt in the abdomen or in the area around the upper stomach around 8-12 hours after eating can be caused by pancreatitis. In some cases, when the ongoing acute pain, other causes such as gastric ulcers, pelvic inflammatory disease, diabetes, or even food poisoning may be the cause.

4. Liquid 
Some people often consume liquids such as water, soft drinks, and fruit juice in large quantities after a meal. Large amounts of fluid just stomach acid will dissolve, making food can not be digested completely. Moreover, the absence of stomach acid making harmful bacteria and fungi that live trigger abdominal pain.

5. Acid Reflux 
Acid reflux is characterized by increasing gastric juices back into the esophagus. In addition to abdominal pain, this condition triggers other symptoms such as difficulty swallowing, vomiting, nausea, etc..

6. Bowel obstruction
In some people, causing bowel obstruction stomach cramps after eating. This condition is accompanied by vomiting, watery stools, etc..

7. Parasite invasion
Stomach is one of the favorite dwelling parasites that trigger various gastrointestinal disorders including upset stomach. One of the most common causes of abdominal infection are stomach worms.

8. Candida 
Candidiasis, also known as yeast infection, is another cause of abdominal pain. Stomach has some good bacteria that help the digestive process can die from candidiasis. The loss of good bacteria that cause digestive problems trigger abdominal pain.

9. Deep vein thrombosis 
After the meal, the intestinal tract require more blood supply. When a blockage occurs, the blood supply needs to be not met. This problem is also known as 'chronic mesenteric insufficiency' and causing pain in abdomen.

10. Cancer 
Stomach cancer, stomach cancer, esophageal cancer, etc., are all conditions that can cause pain in the abdominal area.

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How to Brush Teeth Properly

Brush your teeth in the right way and good technique, can prevent many problems such as bad breath and swollen gums. How to care for the simplest dental health is to brush your teeth regularly and at least 2 times a day regularly. The goal is to clean up the leftovers are still lagging behind and attached so as to prevent damage to teeth and gums.

Many people still underestimate the correct way to brush your teeth, maybe including you? In fact, brushing your teeth with a good technique is highly recommended by dentists. The benefit of course protects and strengthens tooth enamel that is not easily perforated. Is not prevention better than cure toothache?

How much time should I rub Teeth? 

In dental health care, you also have to pay attention to the intensity or the amount of brushing your teeth in a day. Minimum is 2 times a day morning and at night before bed.

So that the teeth are not hollow, you can clean your teeth after every meal. This is to prevent the buildup of food debris that remains. While brushing your teeth before bed aims to address the problem of bad breath in the morning when you wake up

Brushing How True? 

1) Position the brush at an angle of 45 degrees and then brush your teeth gently and slowly rotating manner.
2) Use the same movement that is turning to brush the surface of the tooth.
3) Rub all the surfaces of the teeth are used to chew namely molars. The trick is to use a toothbrush bristle tip with light pressure until the wool combs not bend.
4) Brush your teeth in an upright position and move slowly up and down to clean the inside front teeth.
5) Additional Tips: Brushing the tongue after brushing your teeth so that bacteria can clean fresh breath and avoid bad breath.

So that the gums are not swollen or even bleeding, choose a toothbrush with soft bristles. Keep in a dry toothbrush and immediately replace it with a new one if it is damaged hair brush.

Avoid using a toothbrush 'one for all'. Why? Because the toothbrush contains bacteria that can move from one person to another even if the brush has been cleared.

Nice article you read: 
5 Ways to Overcome Potent Toothache
Learn How to Get White Teeth
Benefits of Brushing Teeth 

5 Ways to Overcome Potent Toothache

Toothache cause headache and body feels weak. Toothache can indeed be painful, but there are effective ways to treat toothache at home. Here are five natural ways to treat toothache.
  1. Clove Clove has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-bacterial and anesthetic which helps reduce toothache. Squirt a little clove oil on cotton then put on the aching tooth to treat it. You can also mix a few drops of clove oil into a glass filled half and use it to rinse 
  2. Garlic Garlic has antibiotic properties and is very effective in reducing pain in the teeth. Mash the garlic cloves, add salt and then rub the herbs directly on the aching tooth. Repeat this treatment for several days.
  3. Shallots Onion has antiseptic and antimicrobial properties that can be used to control toothache. Take a clove of raw onion and chew it for a few minutes to relieve pain in the teeth. If you can not chew, rub a slice of raw onion directly on the aching tooth. This will help in killing bacteria in the mouth that cause infection.
  4. Guava leaves Fresh guava leaves can also relieve toothache. Chew one or two pieces of guava leaves. Then rub the sore tooth. Or mix 4-5 guava leaves in a glass of water. Add salt and use as a mouthwash. 
  5. Pepper This natural remedy can be very useful when the teeth become very sensitive. Take the pepper and salt in the same amount and mix with a few drops of water to form a paste. Apply this paste directly on the affected tooth and let sit for a few minutes. Repeat this process every day for several days to overcome the pain caused by tooth cavities. 
Here's five ways to cope with toothache. But remember, this is only a temporary treatment that you can do to relieve the pain of toothache. For more serious treatment, immediately consult a doctor about your condition.

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Secrets Have Healthy Teeth And Sparkling

Have healthy and shiny teeth not only make you look more attractive and confident. But, we also get to enjoy the food we eat. It is therefore important to take care of our teeth.

  1. Brush your teeth twice a day That 70 percent of dental problems can be overcome if we brush teeth thoroughly. Make sure you brush your teeth twice a day for two to four minutes to remove plaque. 

  2. Gargle Do not just rinse after brushing alone. Gargle every after eating snacks were good for your oral health. If necessary, you can use mouthwash to reduce the risk of dental decay. 

  3. Consumption of foods rich in nutrients To get strong teeth, you need to incorporate nutrient-rich foods on the menu list. Multiply the consumption of vegetables or fruits that contain vitamin B such as avocado, spinach, or broccoli to keep teeth healthy and strong. 

  4. Include milk in your menu Dairy products may reduce gum disease and helps maintain teeth to stay white. In addition to protecting and strengthening the tooth enamel, solid cheese like cheddar is very effective to clean and whiten teeth. 

  5. Avoid drinking soda As much as possible stay away from cola or other soda beverages because it can cause stains on our teeth. If you really want to drink soda, use a straw to minimize stains on your teeth. 

  6. Do not smoke Smoking is not only harmful to the body, but also aggravate dental health and appearance. The nicotine content in cigarettes can cause damage to teeth and cause bad breath. So, stop your smoking habit. 

  7. Replace regular toothbrush If you already use a toothbrush over a period of one year, immediately replace your toothbrush. Or, do not wait a year, if the toothbrush bristles are worn or bloom, it means you have to change the sign toothbrush. 

  8. Use a good product To get rid of all the food particles, use a good toothbrush. Instead, choose a toothbrush designed scientifically to help you reach all the mouth area. In addition, also use fluoride toothpaste.

  9. Regularly to the dentist This is the most often forgotten by many people, see a dentist. To maintain oral hygiene, your teeth at least consult a doctor at least once a year. 

  10. Use dental floss Flossing can help keep your teeth and remove plaque on the teeth. So, make it a habit to clean your teeth using dental floss at least twice a week. 
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